报告题目:Dewey (杜威) in China

报 告 人:James Scott Johnston教授    翻译:李雪梅




James Scott Johnston,加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学澳门太阳网城官网哲学系教授。至今已在包括《International Journal of Philosophy》、《Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society》、《Educational Theory》、《Educational Studies》、《Studies in Philosophy and Education》、《the Journal of Philosophy of Education》等在内的期刊发表学术论文多篇,出版专著6本,并与R. Bruno-Jofre, G. Jover Olmeda,  D. Troehler合著了《Democracy and the Intersection of Religion and Tradition: the Reading of John Dewey’s Understanding of Democracy and Education》(2010),与R. Bruno-Jofre合著了《Teacher Education in a Transnational World》(2014)。此外,Scott教授还担任《Dewey Studies》杂志的副主编。


This presentation examines three aspects of Dewey’s extended stay (1919-1921) in China. The first is the reception of Dewey in China through his students, Hu Shih and Tao Xingzhi. The second is Dewey’s educational contribution to China, especially the 6-3-3 program. The final is Dewey’s statements to the American public, largely written in letters to the journal The Dial and The New Republic, about the prospect of democracy in China.

