报告题目:Chinese Graduate Students in Canada: Academic Writing and Writer Identity

报 告 人:Xuemei Li(李雪梅)教授




Xuemei Li,加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学澳门太阳网城官网教授,研究兴趣包括TESL/TEFL课程与方法、第二语言写作、学校和社区对ESL的支持、其他语言背景下的身份问题,具体研究了加拿大新移民(包括移民、难民和国际学生)的语言与社会支持,中国大学的学术英语写作教学和师范教育。李教授至今已在《Journal of Language, Identity and Education》、《Journal of International Migration and Integration》、《Comparative and International Education》、《Asian EFL Journal》、《TESL Canada Journal》等期刊发表学术论文多篇,并在牛津大学出版社出版了《Teaching ESL in Canada》一书。此外,李教授是《Journal of Comparative and International Education》的编辑委员会成员,也是多家期刊的评委委员会成员。


This lecture addresses four key concepts: language, culture, identity, and writing, with identity being the primary one. The author examines the phenomenon of additional language academic writers studying in an additional culture, and how their migrating experiences, crossing from one culture to another, affect their personal and writer identities. The study employed five Chinese students studying at an English-speaking university in Canada, enrolled full-time in Master‘s or doctoral programs in humanities and social sciences, which require considerable academic writing and advanced writing skills in English. Data were drawn from a questionnaire, writing samples, interviews, and email correspondence. The author elaborated on the connections of personal identity and writer identity, and conceptualized for English-as-an-Additional-Language (EAL) speakers a mediated space incorporating home culture and host culture but going beyond the overlap of the two, as well as a mediated self that is achieved through negotiation with the available options in their respective social context.

