报告题目:Biological motion perception in the human brain: A subcortical locus?

人:Dorita Chang(張曉楓) 教授




Dorita Chang,香港大学心理学系助理教授,本科毕业于加拿大McMaster大学,于加拿大女王大学获得博士学位,曾在McGill大学和英国伯明翰大学从事博士后研究,已在包括Current biology在内的高水平杂志上发表了二十余篇高被引专业论文。主要研究领域:深度知觉;运动和生理运动知觉;空间视觉;知觉学习和可塑性。


Data from extensive behavioral studies suggest that the visual system is sensitive to both “global” (structure from motion) and “local” (kinematics of individual dots) cues in biological motion patterns.  Global cues relate to the retrieval of the articulated shape of the body.  Local cues refer to the kinematics of individual dots and include invariants characteristic for terrestrial locomotion under the influence of gravity.  The visual system’s sensitivity to kinematics has attracted much interest as it has been posited to reflect a “life detection” system that is phylogenetically primitive in nature. Compared to the large body of behavioral work supporting this idea, we still know very little about the underlying neural representations of articulated body shape and local kinematics in biological motion. In this talk, I will review briefly our current understanding of the brain networks engaged in biological motion perception.  I will then present data from a recent experiment using fMRI and multivariate analyses, where we show that in addition to cortical regions identified previously for biological motion perception (the posterior superior temporal sulcus and inferior frontal gyrus), the ventral lateral nucleus – a presumably motoric thalamic area is sensitive to both form and kinematic information in biological motion.  These findings counter prevailing theories that maintain biological motion perception is merely achieved as an end-point of segregated cortical form and motion networks.  Instead, there is an evident need to consider involvement of earlier parts of the visual system including subcortical loci.


