报告题目:Mixed Research Methods: Assumptions and an Example

 告 人:Professor Darryl Hunter

   间:2018829日(周三)下午 15:00-16:30



Darryl Hunter is a Ph.D, tenure-track faculty member in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta, CANADA. The University of Regina and Oxford University hosted his graduate studies. Dr. Hunter’s career has straddled roles in educational and public administration as a consultant, program manager, (executive) director, and senior policy advisor for Ministries of Education in Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Ontario Canada–largely in the realms of student assessment and program evaluation. Law, ethics, organizational theory, and policy making comprise his teaching load at the University of Alberta. His research interests are:

  • Classroom assessment –to look at various methods and legal considerations

  • Feedback—- to look at the ways that school administrators and teachers respond to evaluative information

  • Data analyses and interpretation – to support evidence-based decision-making and planning.

  • Organizational capacity analyses – to determine an organization’s ability to get things done and the additional resources that may be needed to achieve a goal.

